To recap - my workplace decided to hold its first ever Craft Fair last weekend and I decided this was the push I needed to actually put my craft items out there, in view, in front of real people not just my polite family.
The plan was to spend the preceding weeks gradually building up some stock - spending quiet Autumnal evenings creating and looking generally like something out of Mollie Makes magazine (think bohemian outfits, inspiring workspace and a photogenic pet lazing amongst the creativeness). The reality was I left it all til the last two weeks, had to downsize to half a stall and my house looked like a Hobbycraft delivery lorry had collided with, well, another delivery lorry from Hobbycraft.
DD stepped in to help and was a godsend of organisation and inspiration. She helped with packaging and aesthetics (those colours together? You ARE joking right?)
I had some great moments like when the vintage map bunting was finished and some frustrating moments like when the lavender for the lavender bags ended up mostly on the floor. The floor smelt lovely mind you, which was useful as I hadn't managed to hoover for two weeks!
Anyway - the day dawned. As a member of staff I had the pain of having to be at the venue super early but the pleasure of having first dibs on the tables. By the heater. Oh yes!
DD did most of the setting up. No detail was too tiny, her OCD tendencies meant all the left over map star shaped confetti was all right way up and placed at carefully measured intervals amongst the stock. And woe betide any of Joe Public who might upset this carefully crafted design! She did a fabulous job....
Then the doors were thrown open and the public flooded in. They actually did! Much to our delight the place was heaving. 24 brave stall holders put out their creative efforts to be judged by the public. It was an experience. One which taught me that my daughter is far better at selling than I am. I think I was too personally involved to really sell myself. What if people didn't like what I had made? What if they did? Then came back and complained it was crap? What if they loved it? That would be scary too! It was my own work they were judging with their purses.
The day passed quite quickly and at the end of it I was thrilled, astounded, chuffed even that I had sold a fair amount of things, I had even turned a profit!
I decided I'm not cut out to do this on a regular basis, but I might well have another stall when we repeat the event in the Spring.
And on the Sunday? I spent the day clearing up my house and working out how to display all the left over tweed hearts and map bunting :)