In looking back through my photographs for 2017 it would appear that I have spent most of the year on holiday in one place or another - it doesn't actually feel like it but I have been very lucky :)
The first trip of the year (just to confuse you if you read yesterdays post!) was to Gran Canaria with my friend JB.
The view from the balcony and the mountain we almost climbed on the far left of the picture. |
Same view at night! Obviously you can't see the mountain in the dark! |
I've never been here before but am always up for an adventure - especially when she mentioned there would be lizards...
Lizards!!! |
And cactuses - or is that cactii? |
And palm trees |
So, we ended up in her lush apartment, spending most of the days lazing by the pool, her soaking up the sun, me huddling under layers and avoiding any chance of sunshine actually touching me. I even brought a book to read. Note to self, next time go for something frothy and light, not 'Testament of Youth' which just made me cry (thank goodness no one could see me under the layers!). We ate our own bodyweight in ice cream, watched the pool fitness classes and did a great deal of laughing...
We took a boat trip to somewhere I can't recall the name of and the driver/pilot/steering bloke took a detour to spot dolphins. |
In the aforementioned town. How do you water those window boxes? |
We were so not party animals - in bed by 9pm most nights - but it did mean we got to be up and on the balcony to see the sun rise every morning! We could also view the large mountain across from the town which sported a large cross at the summit. People were clearly climbing up to see it each day and so we idly discussed doing so. However, our plans were abruptly halted when the lady in reception cast her eye at our shoes and shook her head - 'you will die if you try in those shoes'. Dire warning heeded we took our flip flops back to the poolside where they belonged!
Which boat shall we have? |
A beautiful and relaxing week with a beautiful friend :)
Thank you gorgeous lady :) |