Friday, 5 April 2013

Making the most of the sunshine!

I had a day off work today - had to go and collect the new car. However, this didn't take too long and so the rest of the day was mine!
It's still wicked cold out there but the sun is shining and so I thought it might be a good opportunity to get out and have another practice at the TTV photographs.

Sunshine and flowers. Almost like Spring!
Yes, it's a dead heron. Doesn't everyone have one in the garden?
Sculpture thingy.


Pretty pleased with how they've come out so far. I am rotating and cropping via Picture Manager, have tweaked the colour a tiny bit in a couple of them.

The strawberry patch - a bit bare at the moment :-(
Wouldn't trust sitting on this bench to be honest...

I mostly used a very professional looking bucket to balance the camera on - thought it went well with the cardboard tube tower!
Off to make a list of other creative things I can do this weekend while DH is away drinking ber and talking bikes... might even finish my knitted hat, just in time for the weather to warm up!

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