Thursday, 2 January 2014


So, it's a double celebration here today.... Firstly I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and secondly Mothball and the Magpie is 1 year old today!!

Firstly - a New Year, how exciting is that? A chance to think about new beginnings, new projects, new promises and also a chance to reflect on the year just past.
2013 was a mixed year for me. I kept my resolution of trying new things - I began blogging, was a film extra, stuffed a rat, went outside my comfort zone LOTS and made some new friends. Work has thrown up huge challenges, I have struggled with anxiety and insomnia and have seen how quickly life can change when someone close was diagnosed with a serious illness.

Inspired by an article I read in The Simple Things, I have decided not to make any New Years Resolutions this time. The inspiration usually wears off quickly and I find myself feeling guilty that I haven't made it to the gym twice a week or that I still went to bed with my make up on and I never quite got round to reading War and Peace. Instead, the article suggested making a simple pledge that is more all encompassing. I liked this idea a lot! Plus it meant that chocolate and shoe shopping didn't necessarily have to be curtailed :)
I had also mostly completed my Unravelling the Year Ahead 2014 workbook from Susannah Conway which includes an exercise where you choose a word for the coming year. My word was 'Meaningful' and so I thought I would write a pledge around that. However, the more I tried, the more it sounded pompous and too self important when all I wanted to say was that I wanted to make the most of everything, every opportunity and to make every moment count for something. Like buying new shoes and savouring every morsel of chocolate and being grateful! I am still working on the wording for the pledge - watch this space.

And secondly, my blog is a whole year old! I can't tell you how exciting this is. I am loving blogging more than ever and through it I have already found some fabulous friends and linked to some other inspirational blogs out there. If you'd have suggested this time last year that I would have guest blogged with a new friend in America I would have laughed! Thank you again to Kristen for this opportunity :)

Here's to a fabulous New Year for all of you, I hope you enjoy it - I'd love to hear if you have any resolutions or pledges even if they don't involve new shoes or chocolate :)


  1. Congrats on the BIG one! :-) Your blog is never dull for sure. More rat stuffing this year or are you moving up to big game? I know someone who wants deer/foxes stuffed. I'll just stick to turkey! :-D

    1. Thank you Mr B! You stuff turkeys? I probably shouldn't ask ;)

  2. Many congrats on your first blog anniversary!!

    Love your Word - may 2014 by full of meaning for you x

    1. Thanks Claire, a whole year, I still can't believe it! And yes, here's to a year of meaning :) xx

  3. A birthday cake for your blog….. that is SO sweet!

  4. I am so happy for you hitting your one year blogaversary! Congrats!

    I am so glad that our holiday project meant as much to you as it did to me. I had such fun putting my story together for you and reading yours! It is funny how putting our feelings online like this can connect people so far apart. THANK YOU for starting your blog and thank you for being part of my blogging experience. I can't wait to see what you do with your meaningful year.

    Cheers to 2014!
