Monday, 5 May 2014

I'm back - again!

If anyone out there has been regularly checking out my blog then I must apologise - the observant amongst you will notice there has been precious little input from me for several weeks other than my Thoughtful Thursday posts. So, what has happened? I could make excuses and say work has been overwhelming (true, but I have still managed to get to the gym) or that I couldn’t get near the computer for teenagers (they mostly have their own computers but getting near a plug socket – now that is a problem!!). The truth is I couldn’t think of anything exciting to say. Or even mundane. Or funny, or weird, or anything.... So, I have decided today is the day I will break out of the rut and ease myself in gently with a set format and a way to give an overview of the past few weeks.... I have used these prompts before, courtesy of Marylin at Softthistle. Here we go, a whistle-stop tour of things I have done

Making: My new shed extension into a space of beauty and relaxation. Electrics are in, insulation and wood burner still to go but that can wait a while! Now I just need to put things back in and still keep the feeling of sanctuary and not dumping ground.

Cooking: It’s a Bank Holiday and so I am trying everything in my power not to have to cook anything! Over the last few weeks I have triumphed with a chocolate cake and failed miserably with some rather overdone venison.

Drinking: I never thought it possible but I have persevered with herbal tea and now I am choosing herbal over Earl Grey! Admittedly I seem to have quite expensive tastes (Pukka only thank you) but I have discovered some that not only smell lovely but do not taste of cats wee.

Reading: Onto book four of the Game of Thrones series and loving every moment. Although I now have the dilemma – do I continue apace and then know what happens in the TV programme before it plays out or do I continue to know what will happen in the book before I read it???

Wanting: Inspiration for my blog and more time to do things that aren’t work or housework related.

Looking: At all the seeds that we have planted starting to come up. And all the weeds. And the dead dahlias that I forgot to cover before we had a frost, oops.

Playing: The new Paloma Faith cd and Emiliana Torrini.

Wasting: Too many of my evenings in front of mindless TV (not including GoT in this) and too much of my nighttimes worrying about pointless shit and not sleeping

Sewing: After my Clothkits skirt I have sadly not made anything else yet but I do have fabric to sew a new yoga mat bag. I bought new mats for my Saturday class and my old bag is not big enough. The class is still my oasis of calm on a Saturday morning and I have even booked a weekend yoga retreat in June. Will def have finished the bag before then!

Wishing: That just sometimes I could know exactly what the best decision to make would be.

Enjoying: That the weather is slowly getting better and that we are blessed with garden and allotment and space to grow things. I love that the garden gives me the chance to ground myself after a busy day at work, even if it’s 10 minutes of mindless mindful weeding.

Waiting: For someone else to offer to cook tonight

Liking: All the new learning I have been doing (see loving).

Wondering: If we will make full use of our new English Heritage memberships this year. DH has already used his card whilst at a bike rally (visiting a castle without me!!)

Wallingford Castle - I found this one!

Loving: My daily Reiki practice. Over the Easter weekend I did my First Degree Reiki training and absolutely loved it. I am now currently undertaking my 21 days of self practice before I meet with my tutor again. I am reading around the subject and practising every day. Even on houseplants. This can only be good for them as usually I am hopeless with houseplants. I am studying the Reiki Principles too and seeing how they relate to my own life. It’s not a religion but I am embracing big changes!

Hoping: My Amazon parcel arrives soon. Can’t believe they deliver on a Bank Hol but the email assured me it was on its way!
Marvelling: At how many clothes I have managed to part with. Big declutter happening here. It’s hard but I need to face the fact I am very nearly a hoarder (not TV scale hoarding yet!) but I definitely have too many things for my tiny home and the truth is I don’t need all of them. Think this might have been spurred on by my magazine declaration – which you will be pleased to hear is still going mostly well. Mostly.

Needing: A cup of herbal tea about now.

Smelling: Cut grass. We have to pay a child to do it. Hang on, I did it two weeks ago and I didn’t get paid!!??

Wearing: An ‘interesting’ top from the charity shop. It has weird seams so you’re not quite sure which is inside out and outside in. And it’s a weird shape but it’s very comfy and I love the blue colour. Also, since the purge I have less to choose from. It also hides any post-Easter chocolate bulges!

Following: Sadly nothing. I haven’t been near the computer for a while but I am determined to catch up with some favourite blogs today.

Noticing: That although I have still managed the gym every week, I have not managed more than once every week and it is showing. A lot

Knowing: That I need to give myself a gentle and loving kick up the arse to make sure I am motivated to do the things I love instead of being boring and lazy.

Thinking: Too much at night. My yoga teacher showed us some good insomnia moves but I’d have to go all the way downstairs to have room to practice as apparently it disturbs DH if I try to do a shoulder stand in bed.
My photography needs motivating too. However, now the nice weather is here I can dig out my analogue cameras again and spend 3 weeks remembering how to use them! Sunny 16 rule anybody?

Feeling: Sad that we lost 2 chickens to Mr Fox and DD lost her lovely rabbit too (not to Mr Fox). Capie the cat is also feeling sad as he lost a couple of things that were making him fighty and bitey. Now he is mostly sleepy and hungry and less of a boy!

Bookmarking: Gardening sites and Pinterest to make inspiring boards.

Opening: Up to the certainty that my grey hairs are getting more noticeable all the time and I DON’T CARE! Wearing the grey with pride...

Giggling: At the question someone allegedly asked Derek Acorah on a Q&A session – Are duvets actually just fat ghosts? (I know, but it made me laugh!)

There,  I have done it – I have blogged – maybe now the block has been blasted away for a while... Thank you for your time, see you again soon x


  1. "The truth is I couldn’t think of anything exciting to say. Or even mundane. Or funny, or weird, or anything.... "

    Oh now ... What may be boring to you is not boring to others, I'm sure! I understand what you mean though, it gets boring just talking about your own wee life, but the thing is, people looking in from the outside find other people's lives a lot more interesting than the person living it does. Or maybe it's just because I'm nosy, I like reading about other people's lives!

    Good to see you posting again. But not good that the poor hens and rabbit are no more :-(

    1. Thank you Croila - it has felt a bit weird not sharing stuff on my blog but then the longer it got since I had posted, the harder it seemed to be to actually write something! But I'm back now and determined to continue to share my exciting/mundane/funny/weird life with anyone who wants to read about it!
