Monday, 9 June 2014

Garden inspiration

Clematis in my garden.

The last couple of weeks have seen an explosion of exciting things happening in the garden. Not only in my garden but also elsewhere.

Here are some pictures I have taken - Enjoy!

The strangest garden sculpture!

These hostas looked like they'd been painted.

I just love the texture and shape of these alliums

A more grown up version of a cress head I guess!

I think I took a similar picture last year but I love black and white :)

Decorative garden features on a grand scale!


  1. I just love hostas and alliums - you've captured their unique beauty perfectly... just gorgeous!!
    Thanks for your lovely comment x

  2. Oh, wow! Your photographs are stunning… I love their vibrant colours and the way you use light. Bravo!

  3. These pictures are lovely! Such gorgeous colours ... And I particularly like the second one, of the figure rising from the ground. Where did you see that? Looks amazing!
