Monday, 28 July 2014

On being all spontaneous and creative...

Creative inspiration at work.
Each morning I try to spend a few minutes with my journal and I also pick an oracle card from one of my packs to give me something to think about during the day.

Last week I got ‘Creative Project’ which I thought was quite apt as I have been trying to fit something creative into my life each week (and usually failing miserably as more important household chores take over)

But this card coincided with the call to the new AugustBreak project – a photo prompt a day for the whole month of August – and 30 Days of Writing, a new project for me which you can find out more about here.


It looks a bit like a Panda.

I had also ordered a new camera which duly arrived at the end of the week. Some of you may recall that I had been trying my hand at Polaroid photography with mixed results. Polaroid stopped making their iconic film some years ago and a company called The Impossible Project decided to bring out their version of instant film instead. It’s been a huge hit but as it’s still experimental there are mixed results. I have been using the film and loving it but the main issue is just the sheer cost of it.

I was delighted, then, to discover that Fuji make an Instax camera which creates credit card sized instant prints with Fuji film that seems to not be as temperamental as the IP stuff (it’s also a lot cheaper!) Cue lots of excuses to take pictures over the weekend.

Some of the better test shots

Some were ok, had a few under/over exposure practice shots too!

To round off a wonderful weekend, we decided to have an impromptu family BBQ. A good excuse for bunting and picnic mats! During the evening we were musing upon the artistic qualities of the ‘selfie’ and my brother wondered if anyone had ever taken a circle selfie where the background would show other people all taking selfies at the same time! We decided it was worth a try although the circle was more of a square with only four of us doing it! It took a few goes to ensure everyone clicked at the same moment but created some interesting results! Here are the best set of four.

DS#1 plays it cool.

My turn to look my best after a few glasses of bubbly....

Little bro chose a groovy effect on his picture.

DD and her BBQ hat.

Creativity and spontaneity – and Fun!!

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